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Angels Revealed!

About The Staff At Angels Revealed

Joy Smith and Christa Norgren (mother and daughter) co-founders of Angels Revealed are committed to this space and the vision of having good deeds shared and read by all.

Joy Smith, also known as "the Dolphin Lady", visit her website, has the experience first hand of many good deeds from the dolphins, i.e. supporting her back to shore safe and sound, making sure she is safe in the water …, "Good Deeds" lift us up, empower us and can put a smile on everyone's face.

Today, the internet has become a place where just about anything you can think of is shared. What if we had more spaces for items like good deeds, empowering stories, success stories, to be shared and that was all? Imagine the level of empowerment, enlightenment and joy we would create for the world!!! Imagine the level of possibility that everyone would be open to!!!!

Join us in our vision and mission to create this space!!!!

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